Operation SAQ Wied Rini, Group Photo 24.12.2013 |
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On Christmas eve of 24th December 2013 a group a hams set up
'Operation SAQ Wied Rini' from the island of Malta (9H1)to receive the Alexanderson SAQ,VLF Alternator Transmitter on
17.2 KHz which transmits once a year on this particular day.
Participants were team leader
Furtunato 9H1ES and his team mainly 9H1GB, 9H1VW, 9H1RA, 9H1PI, 9H1AA, 9H1PF, 9H1BW, 9H1CG, 9H1KR, and SWLs
Brandon and Daniel.
This is the detailed list of all the equipment used for the operation:
Receiver Marine Marconi NS-702 two front end RF stages
operate on 230Vac
Receiver Sait Funk 745E310A one front end RF stage operate
on 230Vac
Two UPS and one genset 1000W
Homemade antenna tuning unit
Aircraft Variometer with loading capacitors and variable
Cap up to 1700pf
Four ground radials of 200M each. ( more or less )
Antenna: the original TEE which is held on site. 130ft high, 200ft horz
Computer Toshiba program Spectran V2.7 bandwidth 80Hz and better
Time wave CW filter DSP-599zx latest version
Frequency calibrator 100Hz steps
CW RECORDER :- Zoom Professional Digital Recorder.